Seesaw would like to welcome you back to nursery and say a big hello to all the new starters. We hope you all had a great summer and are ready for another exciting year of fun and learning.

Important dates

17th-21st February – Half term. Please book if required. Full fees apply.

Monday 31st of March is not covered by funding. Please book in if you would like your child to attend. Full fees apply. Non funded

Monday 7th – 11th April – Nursery closed. Please phone Laura on 01225 776049, if childcare is required at Seesaw 2 nursery.

14th-17th  April – Optional week. Please book if required. Full fees apply.

18th &  21st April – Nursery closed. Easter Bank holidays

5th May – Nursery closed. May Bank holiday. Full fees apply.

26th May – Nursery closed. Bank holiday.


We have a closed Facebook page that have reminders of up-and-coming events. The staff also share photos of what the children have been doing at nursery. If you have difficulty finding us, please let know and we can help you.

Tiny tots (Under 2s & 3s)

This term Tiny tots will be focusing on independence and sense of self.  We’re reminding everyone to please bring in some recent family photos with names of the people on the back. (These may be cut so you may want to bring copies) We find this helps to settle children when talking about familiar people to them.

We will be exploring winter and mark making. This includes using different tools to make marks in different textures

-We will be using Toddler talk & babbling babies activity cards which helps toddlers develop their speech, language, and communication skills. these will be displayed on the tiny tot planning walls for ideas at home.

-Tiny tot focus story is:  Say Hello to the Snowy Animals!


This term Preschool will be focusing on exploring different cultures and diversities. We will be celebrating Chinese New Year and exploring foods and traditions from around the world. We will also be exploring winter and outside changes during this time.

- Preschool focus story is: We’re going on a bear hunt

- We will be using chatting with children activity cards which help develop children’s speech, language, and communication skills. These will be displayed on the Preschool planning wall for ideas at home.

- The Letter of the week will be displayed on the Preschool planning wall, so you know what we are working on.

- The preschool home links are displayed on the planning wall, please feel free take one to complete with your child at home.

Applying for school

If your child turns 4 before the 31st of August 2025 you can apply for a school place for the September 2025 entry at Admissions (  You will  be able to submit your application from 1 September 2024. The deadline is 15th of January 2025.

Working parents

If you live and work in England you may be entitled to 15 hours funded childcare support from the term after your child turns 9 months old, until they start school. 

From the term after your child's 3rd birthday, this can be combined with the 15 hour entitlement for all 3 and 4 year olds to make up 30 hours of funded support over 38 weeks of the year.

You can usually get funded childcare for working parents if you (and your partner, if you have one) are:

  • in work or starting a new job

  • on sick leave or annual leave

  • on shared parental, maternity, paternity or adoption leave

The amount of funded childcare you can get depends on:

  • your child’s age and circumstances

  • your income (and your partner’s income, if you have one)

  • your immigration status


Can we ask that all children attend nursery with a coat and shoes, as all children access the gardens to play. If your child has waterproofs and welly boots these would be brilliant to bring to nursery as well.

Thank you.